I’m normally a glass half full kind of person – I’m usually a happy little bunny that looks at the bright side of life😊⭐️🌹
However, working from home and after many weeks in lockdown, I must confess that I managed to loose my sense of humour once or twice😳🤭
A sense of humour can be an amazing line of defence when it comes to coping with stress. Unfortunately, stress is inevitable and you can’t eliminate it, despite your best efforts. You can, however, better prepare yourself for stress with several coping techniques👍
Developing a sense of humour about life’s challenges is a great place to start. A sense of humour will help you to build resilience to stress as well as improve your overall physical and emotional health👍
Luckily, it’s not too hard to develop a healthy sense of humour – but it does require a bit of practice. Here are a few ways to find the funny side of life and cope better with stress😄👍
🔵Start With a Smile
Even if you fake a smile (making the physical shape with your mouth), it can lead to increased happiness (not just looking happier). This is because the act of smiling (real or fake) causes your body to release feel-good endorphins. Plus, a fake smile tends to lead to a genuine one – and this means that laughter will come more easily, and the stress will melt more readily.
🔵Take a Step Back
When you’re in the middle of a difficult situation, it can seem overwhelming. Taking a step back and viewing your situation as an observer can help you see your situation with a new lens. This is called reframing……and it works.
🔵Find Your Own Happy Niche🤣
I love travelling and exploring, but essentially, I’m a home body. I love my home and I felt that the lock down robbed me of my freedom to come and go as I pleased. I felt trapped.
Fortunately, in Melbourne, we are permitted to leave the house to exercise and I took full advantage of this every day👍To prevent myself from getting board with just walking around the block, I made a plan to embark on exciting educational activities which included exploring areas of Melbourne whilst jogging, cycling and walking❤️🚴‍♀️🏆🏃‍♀️
Let your serious side disappear and give yourself permission to have some innocent silly fun to make you actually laugh out loud🤣
In the photo taken today: Sue is “holding up” the container ship as it’s gliding into Melbourne harbour. My daughter took the photos and we both burst out laughing with the many funny/silly poses I was performing…..🤣
I can honestly say that all these activities helped me stay balanced and focussed with getting through each week😊
I lov my life❣️
If you need more information about becoming a mortgage broker and need a mortgage broker mentor, look at Sue Hayter’s exciting website  www.melbournemortgagebrokermentor.com.au